Let’s get this party started…
WARNING: This post is a touch longer than usual and has a whiff of serious reflection nestled in between patently stupid moves on my part. In a nutshell, the purpose of this post is to share with you where I was fitness wise when I decided to attempt this journey,...
The Google Eekon…
Out on my ‘less lopsided than normal’ joggle today I was thinking about how many conveniences our digital world has given us - especially as it pertains to global positioning systems(aka GPS). Just think about it, far overhead are dozens upon dozens of satellites...
How the BLOG got its name
As we know by now I sort of ‘fell’ into the current adventure across the savannas of the Serengeti. And, like many things in life, it took me some time to come out to my friends about this endeavor. However, in an instant – during a wonderfully long lunch – the name...
Here we go …
Here we go. I say ‘we’ because if you are reading this I will proudly and with little forethought take the liberty to say you are part of this adventure. So a big ‘welcome’ (Bienvenue for our Francophile following) to a virtual and somewhat anonymous community who is...