As we know by now I sort of ‘fell’ into the current adventure across the savannas of the Serengeti. And, like many things in life, it took me some time to come out to my friends about this endeavor. However, in an instant – during a wonderfully long lunch – the name for this blog was unknowingly conceived in perhaps one of the best possible examples of how good friends pass over the ‘low hanging fruit’ of disapproval for heartfelt practical support.
We were sitting around a table at the Barking Crab in Boston (go for the name, stay for the awesome lobster roll) 4 middle aged women just catching up on life. Deedee, not her real name, was aware of my possible foray into the Serengeti, however, no one else at the table had been read-in on the adventure. Now, we all have a friend like Deedee – or we should have one. I have heard her lament about how if she just had that split second to stop what she was thinking from coming out her mouth all would be much easier in life. The other catch phrase would be ‘Often wrong, never in doubt’. I love Deedee to bits and cherish every moment in her company.
However, as lunch was placed before us and we all paused to survey our plates, Deedee enthusiastically asked if my Africa adventure was still on and how my preparations were going. Ack! Double Ack! I would have to come clean and tell Kiki and Sandra about my latest challenge. (Again, not the real names because coming up with nicknames is fun and a Blogger’s prerogative). As I started to explain the perfectly plausible reasons why one would jog through a terrain littered with animals of prey- in between bites of a delectably light and lemony lobster roll- the questions began… How long was the run each day, how will you find your way, has this been done before, what is security like, etc…
And it was in one picture perfect moment when Deedee turned to the other two and said ‘Do not worry, she will be absolutely fine so long as she follows the Zebras’ that the seeds of this blog were sown. The added benefit was that Deedee had rescued me from my unconvincing account on the simplicity of the proposed adventure. And just like that the conversation jumped the curb onto zebras and various animals of prey and I was off the hook- free to finish my lobster roll and not fret over the reality of what I had gotten myself into.
To find out how cool, albeit with a wicked attitude, Zebras are click HERE
For those of you who like a bit more data, check out this research paper click HERE
And for those looking for a spirit animal click HERE (don’t mind the typos…)