I headed out on my last jog early this morning as the humidity crept into the fall air and the sun climbed over the slight rise on E.Levy street(You know you can GoogleEarth it and cruise right along the road too – minus the sandspurs and creaky body parts- it is right where 316 and 337 come together in the town of Williston FL).
The familiar limerock road, that transitions to hard tarmac and then beaten path on the shoulder that has become my daily dance routine. Today though my mind skipped over the horizon filled with pine trees and the lumbering shapes of cattle and settled on the real reason I was going a world away to stroll through unfamiliar terrains with fairy tale animals.
When that first ‘gateway email’ came through and the dialogue began with the organizers the age old dichotomy of the head versus the heart kicked in. I allowed my head to carry-out a due diligence of sorts to calm my professional brain on the various organizations.However, far more intriguing and convincing to my actual steps in the very direction I have now ended up was the individual stories told by the young women on the Brave and Grumeti Fund websites.
I have continually asked myself can one person, from a small patch of pasture in central Florida, have an impact by joining in the Safari’s with a Purpose concept? I have no idea, but I certainly know that by taking the leap to see for one’s self I can certainly better my chances at understanding and appreciating the power of education and brilliance that he future holds for the next generation – wherever that may be!
So, have a look at this great video and I hope you become as excited as I am to meet the future pilots, teachers, scientists, and more…. all while joggling across some of the greatest conservation areas on earth!
Ooops, BA is calling for the last remaining passenger..